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Monday, January 27, 2014

17 weeks

How far along: 17 weeks

Gender: Appointment on 2.13.14! But doing a special gender reveal cake with Brandon over Valentine's dinner on 2.15.14. He has no idea where we are going :)

Weight gain: Will find out at my appointment 2.13.14. I'm guessing 9ish lbs (OH-EMM-GEEE!)

Maternity clothes: Wore my first maternity jeans this past week - Jessica Simpson skinny jeans.  My tops still fit for the most part. I busted out all my maternity clothes from when I was pregnant with Hadley....not feeling any of them....not to mention none of the pants even fit, so I must find some decent work pants!

Stretch marks: None yet

Belly button in or out: In

Sleep: Sleeping well

Symptoms: Round ligament pain (just a few days this week)
Best moment this week: Actually looking pregnant, instead of like I'd eaten too many donuts.

Miss anything: Endurance, fitting into my old clothes. 

Movement: Swear I felt the baby "rolling" around in there. Is there anything sweeter than feeling a baby wiggle around inside you?

Cravings: Peanut butter, ice cream, seafood, and cereal. I mean, really, everything sounds good!

Workouts:  Still running and going to barre regularly. I tire much easier right now but so far my weekly mileage is same as pre-pregnancy. My pace is getting a little slower (it was 9:00/mile this morning which is about 30 seconds slower than my pre-pregnancy pace).Not sure if its that face I've been wearing out the treadmill for a couple months because of the frigid temps, the pregnancy, or both. I wonder how long I will be able to run?

Looking forward to: My next ultrasound and a super bowl party with great friends this weekend! Also looking forward to Brandon feel the baby move :)

 Bump pics from this week, 5 am post run so trying to cover the face!

16 weeks 4 days
17 weeks today!


  1. Yay for bump pictures! I love the teeny little bump stage! You might enjoy reading this blog since you're both avid runners...this is a friend of mine from Albuquerque. She was able to run for quite awhile before her bump made her stop. Hopefully you get to too!

  2. I will definitely check out her blog - looks like an awesome one! Totally embracing the little bump right now before I get ginormous and uncomfortable :)
