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Monday, January 24, 2011

Trying new things!

So a friend recommended "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" (thanks SB!) and I've been reading it the past few days. I love the book so far. What's crazy is that most baby books I read before Hadley was born and shortly after all say you can't spoil a baby in the first 3 months and do whatever they need and so on and so forth. And I sure did! And then magically when the baby is 4 months it seems they need 'tough love' (at least that is what is seems like to me). So I'm working on getting Hadley to sleep (at naps and at bedtime) without having to be rocked into a deep sleep before I put her down. She definitely associates me holding her close with her falling asleep. We are working on putting her down drowsy but not asleep. The past few days have been hard letting her cry, but I know she needs to learn to soothe herself. When she starts Goddard School in April when I go back to work, I doubt they will rock her like her momma! We've also been trying to put her down a little earlier and not rushing to her at the first peep she makes in the night. Tonight when I put her down, she just cried for maybe 1 minute and then did manage to get her self to sleep without crying. HOORAY! Naps were not as successful today, but hey, I'll take what I can get right now!

We also tried a little rice cereal yesterday and today. Yesterday she had no idea what to do with a spoon in her mouth and what to do with the rice cereal. It really seemed as I would put one bite in and about 2 bites worth would come out of her mouth! So I thought I would try once more today and if she did the same thing I would try again in a couple weeks. Well tonight she did so much better! Opening her mouth for the spoon and swallowing it. She actually finished what I had prepared for her (1 tsp rice cereal and 4 tsp breastmilk). I'm going to try some baby food in a few days. I heard try green veggies first, but I'd love to hear what you other mommys have done with your babies. I am thinking I may make her baby food (seems easy enough and I'll know what she's getting). Doing a little research and trying to figure out what I need to buy in order to make it properly....I'm no chef!

Hanging out in my Jumparoo

Riley is starting to like his sister!

My little chunky monkey!

The monkey pictures were taken about 5 minutes prior to her pooping out of her diaper, into her pants, all over her shirt, etc. It required an emergency bath!

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