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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alert the media!

Hadley slept TEN hours in her crib last night! WOOHOO!

This was her best night's sleep in nearly a month. She slept great until around 12 weeks, about a week after we moved her into her crib. Since then she usually wakes up around 4-5 hours after we would put her down (usually just needed a pacifier back in her mouth or a quick rock back to sleep) and then would wake up 2 or so hours after that. We would normally put her in our bed at that point, because we needed sleep! But I want desperately to get her to stay in her crib all night. So yesterday I tried my best to keep her up as long as possible. She ended up napping around 3 or 3.5 hours total yesterday. I also increased her milk intake by a couple ounces. She got a warm bath around 9, lotioned up, and then Brandon fed her and put her down around 10. She was rousing around in her crib around midnight and I went and stuck a pacy in her mouth. Same thing around 5 and Brandon put the pacy in her mouth. Didn't move again till 8!

I seriously feel like a new woman!! Keep it up, Hadley!


  1. get the book...healthy sleep habits, happy child...very insightful. opened my eyes up to a lot of things that it actually works! i got it at mckay's for 1.50. yay hads!!

  2. SB - thanks for the recomendation. I'm going to McKays tomorrow!!
