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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Loving my new Polar heart rate monitor. Lots of girls from my barre classes have them, so I finally decided to order one. I've been wearing it on my runs to compare to what my Garmin says.  I highly recommend it - gives you lots of useful stats.  I am excited to use it at my different workouts and see how they compare.

Hadley's loving her new trampoline! Got it from one of the local facebook trading post groups so I got a great deal. I really need to take a video of her on this because it's hilarious!!

Loving our fun weekend we spent with Chris and Julie, and their sweet little Oliver! They got in on Friday afternoon and we meet up with The Hadens' on Friday night for dinner at Lakeside Tavern (Julie, Leslie and I were college roomies).  We sat outside on the lake and had a wonderful time! Thank you to my mom for watching the kiddies!

Essentials for the night - gigi's cupcakes and cupcake cab!

they almost look like brother and sister!

A little Tupelo for breakfast on Saturday morning

The Farmer's Market was happening in Market Square as well. It was so neat!

Hadley loved her biscuit and blueberry jelly at the Tup!

More Farmer's Market goodness

Hotel Oliver :)

Loving that something is FINALLY growing in my garden. One zucchini and I think some cucumbers are starting to come up! Oh, and 4 green beans. HA!

Loving our n'hood pool! Sunday's weather was incredible! 

Loving all the summer veggies right now - I wanted one of everything at the Farmer's Market y'all. This is what I ended up with and it was all delish.  

I am loving my girl - I couldn't wait to get home to her tonight! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I hate we missed y'all too! Next time you come into town, call Brandon if you have time! Would love to see you guys. Hadley had so much fun with your kiddies last weekend in Gatlinburg!
