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Monday, May 23, 2011

I love The Dinner A'fare.

Have you heard of The Dinner A'fare?  If you are a working mom, or don't have time to meal plan, grocery shop, and cook, (or just don't like to cook) read on my friend!  It truly has been a blessing since I've gone back to work.  It gives me more time to spend with my sweet family + it's delicious!!

"The Dinner A'Fare is a gourmet studio kitchen with meal prep stations complete with recipes, fresh ingredients, spices, and measuring cups and spoons. 

We make dinnertime less stressful by providing a more convenient way for you to create home-cooked meals. In just two hours you can make 12 dishes that have either 1-3 or 4-6 servings each.

We pre-slice, dice, and chop everything you'll need! Take the meals home, put them in your freezer, and cook (following provided instructions) the dishes according to your schedule. We provide a menu with a variety of flavors. Each month the available dishes change. Our dishes and monthly combinations are developed with nutrition, high-quality food, and variety in mind."

The menu changes monthly (with about 15+ new dishes a month) and they only take about 15-30 minutes to prepare once you get home.  We have really liked each dish we've had and almost always have leftovers (we get the 2-3 serving portion).  We like it because we get to try things we normally wouldn't make and the nutritional information is available for each dish.  Since I'm gluten free, they make substitutions where they can which is awesome!  It will be even better when Hadley starts eating real food....she will get to taste all sorts of yummy things mama doesn't know how to make :)

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