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Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Shopping!

I officially started marking things off our Christmas shopping list this weekend!  Online shopping is too easy....I can't imagine trying to Christmas shop without the internet.  How did our parents do it?!

We ordered Hadley a play kitchen!  I've been "pinning" lots of adorable DIY kitchens on Pinterest, but let's face it, Brandon and I are not the craftiest pair in the world.  The Kidkraft brand kitchens get high marks from reviewers and are 1/2 the price of the Pottery Barn Kids kitchens that are very similar.  We got this one from for $99 + free shipping!  Now on the hunt for utensils and play food!

I also sat down and make our annual Shutterfly calendar for all the grandparents.  We had so many great pictures to choose from - I can't wait for them to all see the final product!  I have an extra $10 coupon Shutterfly mailed me, so if anyone needs the code (exp 12/15/11), just leave a comment and I'll email it to you.

Love these Lima Bean monogrammed platters and cutting boards on sale today at!  Ordered one of the platters for someone on my Christmas list and a cutting board for myself :)  I seriously couldn't help myself.

Happy Monday all!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I'll send it to you tonight as the code is at home. What is your email address?
