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Thursday, November 24, 2011

24 days of Thankfulness

Everyone has been so good about updating their daily "what I'm thankful for" since November 1st through Thanksgiving on November 24th.  I want to participate so I'm going to put all 24 here in this post.  Often I find myself wishing I had this or had that, when in reality, I need to count my blessings because I am truly blessed beyond measure!
  1. A beautiful, healthy, sweet baby girl. She has brought so much joy into my life, taught me what true love really is, and has changed my life for the better in little and in big ways.  I can't imagine my life without her.  I'm so thankful God gave me Hadley and gave me the opportunity to be her mommy!
  2. A loving husband who is the most amazing partner I could ever have in life. He loves me for me...the good, the bad, and the ugly!  He is a wonderful daddy to our child - melts my heart!
  3. A whole village that supports our family!  Our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. are always there for us whenever we need anything!  They are there for us at a moments notice.
  4. Good jobs. With so many people out of work right now that would do anything for a job, we are so lucky to be employed by such a wonderful company!
  5. Moments with my family...even if we are home with a sick baby, or having a trying day with Hadley, I truly treasure each moment with my little family.
  6. An awesome, loving God who listens and answers prayers. A God who provides. An all knowing God whose timing is perfect.
  7. A roof over our head - the place we call home! We love our little house and it's perfect for us right now.
  8. Bedtime!  This momma is exhausted at the end of the day and I simply love falling asleep after a long day all snuggled up to my husband.
  9. The ability to work out during lunch.  I love having access to a gym and different fitness classes everyday.  RIPPED, toning, zumba, and bootcamp, just to name a few!  I love this time everyday!
  10. A wonderful daycare for Hadley.  I love, love, love her teachers!  And the fact they provide her nutritous meals and snacks everyday, and diapers!  I don't have to worry about packing a bag for her each day, and I always know they will make sure she is fed and happy. 
  11. The internet. How did people do it before computers and the internet?!  No blogging, no online shopping, no research for the kiddos!?  I guess you actually had to look up recipes in a cookbook (I can hardly cook something that doesn't have lots of reviews to read!), and go all over town for diapers and other necessities, where now I can price compare and buy goods within minutes from home while I'm in my PJs!
  12. Great friends. I am so lucky to have so many amazing and strong women (and men) as friends.  Some are here in town and others are scattered across the U.S., but I wish I saw all of them more often!
  13. Other bloggers that write so eloquently and honestly about so many different topics.
  14. Websites like etsy where I can buy home-made goods since this momma isn't so crafty...I love supporting people that work out of there home like stay-at-home mommas!
  15. Loyalty cards at stores I frequent - Salsaritas, Lenny's, Kid-to-Kid, and the lady who does my monogramming, just to name a few.
  16. The sweet sounds my little girl makes. Whether it is her jibber-jabbering, saying 'mommy' or 'daddy', or makes little noises as she drifts off to sleep, these are my favorite sounds in the whole wide world.
  17. Professional photographers that capture moments with my family so beautifully.  It's amazing how God gives us all different talents and interests...make the world go 'round.
  18. Bluetooth and an ipod hookup in my car.  Need I say more?
  19. Consignments stores and sales. I save so much $ shopping at these types sales for Hadley!  We have some great ones in town.
  20. Thankful for the rest of the week off to spend some quality time with the people I love, eat some delicious food, and shopping with the other crazies on Black Friday!
  21. Deal sites - Groupon, Zulily, Plum District, Half Off Depot, etc!  I am hooked....I admit it.  I love saving $!
  22. Cardboard page books.  My little sweetie isn't so gentle with books.  These books with pages that you can't rip out are perfect for her right now.
  23. DVR!  We record all our favorite shows and watch them when we have time.  And we can skip all the commercials!  My DVR remembers when a new season starts, even when I forget.  
  24. My video baby monitor.  I don't know how parents got along without these things back in the day. I love sneaking a little peak of my sweet girl anytime I want :)  Sometimes when she is sleeping good, I love going in her room for extra pats and kisses just before I go to bed.

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