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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I can’t help but think what an amazing experience it is to actually be a mom, and to also have such a wonderful mothers (a mom, step-mother and mother-in-law!) in my life.  I’m so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to experience this incredible journey of being a mother.  It truly is so much more than I ever imagined.

I’ve learned so much in these last 19 months that I’ve been a mommy and I know I will continue to learn each and every day…

Being a mother has taught me the deepest meaning of love. I remember the day Hadley was born, I ended up with a c-section after 21 hours of labor.  I was sick during the entire procedure (bless the poor anesthesiologist with the puke bucket), but I remember hearing that sweet cry from my little baby for the first time and laying there with tears streaming down my face, longing to see her and hold her.  There is just no feeling in the world like meeting your baby for the first time – the truest, deepest love.  I do fall more and more in love with her everyday J

Being a mother has taught me that this job is the most challenging and rewarding job in the world….every single day brings new challenges as I learn and Hadley learns new things.  But I am up for the challenge and the reward is great!  I’m lucky to have such a wonderful partner-in-crime by my side as we figure out this whole parenthood thing.

Being a mother has made me realize that patience really is a virtue.  This is something I am continually working on and praying for in my life. 

Being a mother is exhausting.  I work my out of the home job 8-5, and then come home and start my second job – dinner, play time, dishes, bath time, bedtime, laundry, etc.  I love both my jobs so it is all worth it.  I’m blessed to work for a great group of people that understand the stresses of being a working mom.

Being a mother has taught me that the little things in life are really the big things.  There is no better feeling than Hadley smiling at me and saying “I lub you” when she goes to bed, or tickling her and hearing that adorable belly laugh she has, or rocking her in the middle of the night, or seeing her eyes light up when she’s playing with her daddy.  These are the moments that I will cherish always and that make it all worth it. 

Being a mother has taught me to slow down and enjoy the simple things.  Like stroller rides to the playground, sitting outside blowing bubbles on a sunny day, finger painting and listening to good music, anxiously awaiting the cookies in the oven, and ‘dancing’ to music on the way to daycare each day.    

Being a mother has made me realize I need “me” time.  I’ve realized that having this time makes me a better mommy and a better wife, but I’m learning to deal with the guilt that comes along with that.  I especially felt the guilt last week when I was excited for Hadley to go stay with her grandparents for a few days so she could get over her cold/sinus infection.  I felt horrible that I was actually excited about having a couple nights to myself…a couple mornings where I just had to get myself ready and out the door.  We’ve had a few difficult weeks with Hadley and this mama bear simply needed to recharge.  But when I work all day, I feel even worse about wanting “me” time.  I did feel so refreshed when she came back and our little family had a fun little weekend together.

Being a mother has taught me what it means to really put others needs before my own.  I don’t think I’ve ever really been faced with having to put someone else’s need above my own until I had Hadley.  It does come so naturally to me and I would do anything for this precious little gift I was given!

Here are a few motherhood quotes I found on Pinterest that I thought I would share.  Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies I know!

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